European Robotic Week


European Robotic Week
28th November - 4th December, 2011


Event calendar

The European Robotics Week offers one week of various robotics related activities across Europe for the general public, highlighting growing importance of robotics in a wide variety of application areas. The Week aims at inspiring technology education in students of all ages to pursue careers in STEM-related fields, i.e. science, technology, engineering and math.

The aim is to have several events dedicated to robotics throughout Europe within this week.

Events will be locally organised (by scientists, labs, teachers, schools, robotics engineers, robot makers etc.), but centrally listed and co-promoted. Currently, robotics organisations across Europe are asked to spread the word about this first European Robotics Week, to promote the idea among friends / colleagues / marketing departments / national communities, and to encourage them to organise an event.

Italian national contact for info and application

Download the euRobotics week event submission form

Last Updated on Thursday, 20 October 2011 09:50