Results - Tribology


Development of a composite hydrogel brain tissue phantom and high resolution finite element models of brain shift and indentation

The group led by Dr. Dini at Imperial College has carried out different tests to identify the mechanical characteristics of the brain tissue (including porcine and human samples). The results led to the development of a novel composite hydrogel suitable for mimicking the mechanical the brain shift phenomenon and indentation procedures in a range of velocities spanning two orders of magnitude. With the same information, a new constitutive formulation to model tissue response has been implemented in state-of-the-art high resolution finite element model and used for brain shift and indentation simulations. A realistic life size brain phantom and a skull mock-up have also been produced and used in the context of the ACTIVE setup for testing, demonstration and model validation purposes. Development of a composite hydrogel brain tissue phantom and high resolution finite element models of brain shift and indentation
Last Updated on Monday, 26 January 2015 10:10